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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion.

Our team of professional SEO experts is the perfect partner for a successful business partnership.

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Superior SEO puts your site in front of customers & ahead of the competition

We Research

Through a thorough investigation, we uncover the relevant keywords and terms people are searching for in your niche to create quality content to achieve organic growth.

We Evolve

SEO isn't a set-it-and-forget-it exercise. Search Engines regularly change their guidelines and algorithms, so you need adaptive SEO campaigns to keep your site performing.

We Get Results

By ensuring your website has the right architecture, user-focused content and planning around optimal search terms, we deliver lasting long-term SEO performance.

We Update

We refresh and refine your SEO strategy, content, website speed, metadata, microdata & other technical search optimisation to keep your site up-to-date and search-algorithm-friendly.


SEO Takes Time

Every website owner wants improved visibility on the web, and it can be tempting to look for shortcuts. However, SEO is a long game and any SEO agency promising quick results or guarantees should be met with a high level of scepticism.

How long it takes your website to reach the coveted front page of Google rankings so you can enjoy that significant boost in exposure will depend on several factors. Strategy, skill, budget, content, level of competition and how your site compares to that competition all play a role in how quickly your website can achieve better organic search results.

When undertaking a significant SEO transformation, it is also important to remember it takes some time for the search engine’s algorithm to re-evaluate your entire site after the changes have been implemented.

Continuous Improvement

Transforming your website’s design and functionality will significantly augment your SEO strategy; however, it can take anywhere from a couple of months out to a year to have an impact. During that time, we don’t just sit back and wait for the results of your upgraded site to trickle in; we keep working to continuously improve your website.

We regularly analyse and respond with SEO efficiency changes and assess URL quality based on how your site is crawled and indexed by Googlebot. We also continually monitor high performing and valuable key phrases ensuring they are skillfully and meaningfully worked into your web copy and blog posts.

Your Dedicated SEO Partner

Deltaprotech results-driven SEO Strategy team will build a unique search engine optimisation plan to deliver keyword-rich content that communicates meaningfully to humans first and bots second.

Full Service

Deltaprotech offers a comprehensive suite of end-to-end SEO services in Melbourne, including paid search advertising. dasdsadsafa

Evolving Campaigns

We adapt your SEO to continually perform within the many guideline changes and updates that occur in the world of search optimisation.

Shared Ideas

We find the best results come from adopting a collaborative approach between your team and ours to create the optimal SEO strategy.

Fixed Price

We offer fixed price SEO management on a month by monthly basis to ensure your investment gets traction.

Long-term Focus

We approach SEO in a holistic manner tailoring to audience, industry and outcomes for lasting organic search results.

Shared Ideas

We find the best results come from adopting a collaborative approach between your team and ours to create the optimal SEO strategy.

Can I optimise my current website?

This will generally depend on how old your website is, its architecture, how it was developed and how it is currently performing in terms of UX, content & engagement. Your website will need to adequately meet the latest requirements of Google’s SEO guidelines for it to be effective. If it’s not possible to optimise your current website, Deltaprotech web design team can build you a brand new responsive website that is search engine friendly.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Deltaprotech continually strives for the first page of Google search results for our clients. However, due to fluctuations in the relative competitiveness of some search terms, frequent changes in search engine algorithms and other competitive factors, it makes it impossible to guarantee rankings. We caution website owners to be wary of any SEO agency that offers guarantees. They are likely to target irrelevant keywords or use unethical SEO tactics for a quick short term boost in reported rankings that can ultimately backfire and result in permanent removal from Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

How much does SEO cost per month?

SEO is not a one-size-fits-all proposition; therefore, it is necessary for us first to understand the competitiveness of your industry and the number of keywords or key phrases you’d like to target. From there, we develop a tailored strategy to give you maximum return based on your requirements and digital marketing budget.

Should I also be doing Google Advertising (Pay-Per-Click)?

There are a couple of reasons for Google ads to be incorporated into your digital marketing strategy. Firstly, search advertising can help you jump the queue when you launch a brand new website, or if you need to get to market quickly with a new product/service, but your organic ranking hasn’t had enough time to start performing. Secondly, we are firm believers that you should not keep all your eggs in one basket. If business slows down during particular periods, PPC or Google Ads is always an option to give things a bit of a boost.

Why should I continue SEO once I have achieved good rankings?

The ranking results we drive via SEO are long-lasting and generally won’t disappear easily, but they aren’t permanent. Your competitors are also vying for that spot and could be one blog post away from claiming it, so you must monitor SEO vigilantly. In addition, Google changes its algorithm and SEO guidelines all the time, so we make sure we keep adapting. Finally, businesses are highly changeable, so your SEO strategy needs to be responsive to those changes.